Friday, May 23, 2008

Traveling sales?

Mornin to ya! Well i am thinking about taking my necklaces on the road...well not so much on the road as doing a few shows. Today I'm meeting up with a girlfriend who wants me to bring along some I'm packing up a few items plus my laptop so she can peek at more items...I never really thought about selling TO I'm debating on a small "tuperware" style party that have become so popular with women's marketing these days.... I inform friends of my work but I leave it up to them to check it out or not...but i guess it is the first place most people try (duh!)

...In other news, My local bead shop is going to have a class on PMC that i am super excited about...PMC is recycled Solid Silver (99.9% solid) it's combined with a clay like material, so it can be shaped and molded in any fashion...then it is fired in a kiln and all the clay material melts leaving just the solid silver!!! A genius way to recycle!! I can't wait to take this class in June~ well thats all for today...have a good one! and stay tuned for more!

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Who/ what the heck is Artwark?

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Artwark is an up and coming jewelry business that began as a hobby 2 years ago. I am designer/marketer, Sarah and i welcome you to my little corner of the world :D